TH03 - Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Storm Water Drainage Systems

Event Time

Thursday, February 20 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

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Event Location

Location: Rm135


This presentation will address the latest inspection technology and how it is being implemented by DOTs for better quality control and quality assurance practices. The use of dual laser diodes and laser profiling systems being utilized with newer inspection cameras is providing significantly more information than video systems alone. The technology is taking the guess work out of video inspections and allowing the owners to set specifications around the additional information that is provided. The Ohio DOT is currently one of the most aggressive storm water inspections in the industry. ODOT requires a pipe installation plan in which the pipe manufacturer must provide allowable limits for joint separations. With the use of parallel laser diodes, the inspection companies are able to provide accurate joint separations measurements, allowing the contractor to fail or pass each and every joint. In addition, the diodes can also provide accurate information on crack widths in which a 0.1-crack in a RCP would require repair or removal. In addition, the laser profiling systems being utilized can accurately provide a vertical profile/deflection plot of the entire pipeline, indicating areas that have passed or areas that might have failed. The ODOT 611 specification is widely being adopted by other agencies across the State. Since the adoption of ODOT's 611 specification, there has been a significant improvement by the contractors and a significant increase in performance. The presentation will also address the cost to the contractor for improper installation, necessary repair methods or removal, and the long-term benefits to the owner through more aggressive specifications.

After this session, attendees will be able to:

1. Explain how this new technology is being implemented, and the improvements it provides vs standard video inspection.
2. Discuss how these techniques are currently being utilized to provide better information and improve specifications and inspections. 
3. Utilize these technologies to improve quality control, from the manufacturer level to the installers/contractors. 

Ideal Audience: Contractors, Owners, Manufacturers, Engineers.
Level: Advanced

Event Information

Type: 60-Minute Education Session




  • Advanced


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