As pipe rehabilitation projects become increasingly complex, project estimation and project management become increasingly challenging. Software tools are commercially available and increasingly being used to help systematize processes and to provide better management of pipe rehabilitation project risks. Especially with large and complex plumbing systems, the ability to easily document the composition and intricacy of the piping network greatly simplifies the analysis that is required. Back of the napkin analysis and basic rules of thumb pertaining to per-foot costing become increasingly inadequate as project complexity increases. As an example, the labor differences between working in a hospital versus within a high-rise condominium are quite significant. The risks associated with working inside of an industrial food & beverage facility are considerably different from a retail restaurant. Without defining the relevant project costs & risks differences, appropriately priced quotations can be very challenging to achieve. Modern software tools are being leveraged to rapidly define exceptionally detailed Scopes of Work to quote projects more accurately with proper consideration of all associated costs. With project requirements better defined and more accurately priced, intended margins are more consistently achieved. With the software systematization, the experience and expertise requirements are lowered for properly estimating complex projects. Accordingly, pricing mistakes become far less likely even in the hands of less experienced staff. Project Management is also simplified through these software tools as deliverables expectations are better defined and managed. This further simplifies discussions around any necessary scope changes from unknown variables discovered as the project progresses. The Project Manager can also use the software tools to establish performance expectations and goals upfront, and more readily monitor progress to keep project teams and any subcontractors accountable and on schedule. As pipe rehabilitation contractors expand their operations, these easy to use software tools provide the data required to more accurately forecast financial and manpower needs to understand their “bandwidth” for growth. Growth can be accelerated as experience and expertise requirements are lowered with the assistance of reliable knowledge transfer through the software tools. And with the assistance of historical project data to refine the project estimation, planning, and management processes, quotations increasingly reflect reality and Project Managers increasingly have the data they need to keep projects on track. Experiences will be shared with the usage of multiple such software systems available on the market.
After this session, attendees will be able to:
1. Apply modern software tools to improve the accuracy of quotations on increasingly complex pipe rehabilitation projects.
2. Apply modern software tools to improve project management of complex pipe rehabilitation projects and better coordinate the work of crews and subcontractors to keep projects on schedule and profitable.
3. Apply modern software tools to improve communications with and manage expectations of property owners and residents during complex pipe rehabilitation projects.
4. Leverage modern software tools to better forecast and manage the growth of their pipe rehabilitation business.
Ideal Audience: Contractor Owners, Construction Project Managers.
Level: Advanced