WE08 - Practical Tips for Reducing Non-Revenue Producing Water Loss

Event Time

Wednesday, February 19 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

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Event Location

Location: Rm133


This presentation will focus on the challenges that many water utilities face regarding non-revenue producing water loss (NRPWL) in water distribution and conveyance systems (both big and small). It will begin with a brief but informative overview of what NRPWL really is at its core, and how it occurs in aging infrastructure. This will lead into a discussion and overview of technologies that can be used and are available (including those that have recently been introduced into the commercial marketplace). There will be slides showing comparisons for each technology introduced (example would be those systems that can be used to locate, identify, and characterize system “leaks”). The summary portion of the presentation will briefly show how a business plan can be created to deal with the solutions to reduce NRPWL year-by-year.     

After this session, attendees will be able to:

1. Define what NRPWL is, how it happens over time, and what water utilities need to measure its impact on costs associated with operating these systems day-to-day.
2. Determine if, indeed, the city or water utility does need to focus on a NRPWL program and the relative cost impacts of implementing such a program.
3. Discuss the tools and technologies used to measure system water losses at their source and quantity this information into a manageable database.
4. Identify the initial cost-impacts of starting up such a program and what is needed to plug it into a yearly preventative maintenance program (PMP).

Ideal Audience: Anyone who is associated with the oversight, budgeting, and operation and management of water distribution systems.
Level: Basic

Event Information

Type: 60-Minute Education Session




  • Basic


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