MO05 - Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Advanced Wastewater Pipe Inspection and Asset Management: Transforming Infrastructure Maintenance in the 21st Century

Event Time

Monday, February 17 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

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Event Location

Location: Rm237


The rapid urbanization and aging infrastructure across the globe present significant challenges for the efficient management and maintenance of wastewater systems. Wastewater pipes, often buried deep beneath the ground, are critical components of urban infrastructure, ensuring the safe transport of sewage and stormwater. However, the inspection and maintenance of these pipes have traditionally been labor-intensive, expensive, and fraught with inefficiencies. The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a transformative approach to addressing these challenges, providing enhanced capabilities for the inspection, diagnosis, and management of wastewater systems. This session explores the applications of AI in wastewater pipe inspection and asset management, highlighting the revolutionary impact AI technologies are having on the industry. The integration of AI into this field is not just a technological advancement, but a necessary evolution to meet the demands of modern cities and to ensure the longevity and reliability of critical infrastructure.

After this session, attendees will be able to:

1. Review the revolutionary impact of AI in wastewater inspection and asset management.
2. Discuss how AI is not just a technological advancement, but an evolution to ensure the longevity and reliability of critical infrastructure.
3. Analyze how machine learning and computer vision are redefining the inspection process.
4. Examine the importance of predictive maintenance models.

Event Information

Type: 60-Minute Education Session




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