MO23 - Building a Skilled Workforce: Strategies for Implementing Training Programs

Event Time

Monday, February 17 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

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Event Location

Location: Rm130


Too many companies don't have the apprentices they could and the training programs they should to ensure the profitable growth and success of their company. This session will guide you through the practical steps you can take (even when you are a new or small company) to establish a training culture and program that will inspire you and your employees to do their best work and build a company you can be proud of.

After this session, attendees will be able to:

1.  Plan financially to be able to afford an apprentice. 
2.  Start an effective apprentice program based on best practices.  
3.  Explain the importance of a meeting routine that leads to a training culture. 
4. Attract and keep great apprentices that become your rock stars.

Ideal Audience: Small or new companies that don't have apprentices or training programs and who struggle to find good employees.
Level: Intermediate

Event Information

Type: 90-Minute Education Session




  • Intermediate


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