MO16 - Managing Accountability in the Workplace

Event Time

Monday, February 17 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: Rm130


Accountability in the workplace can be difficult to manage for several reasons. Among them is the fear of upsetting employees, avoidance of difficult conversations, and an overall busyness that keeps our focus elsewhere. But for companies to run at maximum performance, accountability is crucial and needs to be conducted using a firm, fair, and consistent approach. Managers should not wait until someone “messes up.” When it comes to accountability, managers must be proactive. In this presentation, Scott Tackett demonstrates the need for accountability and provides strategies for holding people accountable, along with tools to measure progress. He will show you how to overcome barriers and excuses that allow owners and managers to put their heads in the sand and inappropriate behaviors to manifest. Scott will also provide participants with suggestions for putting together a plan of action to improve their accountability management. 

After this session, attendees will be able to:

1. Utilize the four major Key Performance Indicators that must be addressed in every organization.   
2. Recognize the seven barriers to accountability that management creates and how to overcome them.    
3. Identify the two critical and essential performance measurements: cost of quality and workflow variances.   
4. Define the characteristics of an accountable manager.

Ideal Audience: Owners and managers tasked with overseeing employees.
Level: Intermediate

Event Information

Type: 90-Minute Education Session




  • Intermediate


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